Los relojes inteligentes pueden ser una gran herramienta para ayudar a las personas que viven con diabetes a mantener un estilo de vida saludable.
Estos dispositivos pueden ayudarle a controlar su dieta, frecuencia cardíaca, ingesta de calorías e incluso su oxígeno en sangre. Ser consciente de estas medidas puede ayudar a las personas con diabetes a controlar su nivel de glucosa en sangre.
Actualmente, los relojes inteligentes no pueden controlar los niveles de glucosa en sangre directamente, pero puedes vincular sistemas CGM externos (monitoreo continuo de glucosa) a tu reloj inteligente para obtener sangre. lecturas de azúcar en tu reloj.
Sistemas como Dexcom analizan el nivel de glucosa del paciente y luego envían los datos a su reloj (o teléfono inteligente).
Los relojes inteligentes pueden ser una gran herramienta para las personas que viven con diabetes, pero hay muchos para elegir. Esto puede dificultar saber qué relojes inteligentes son mejores para controlar la diabetes.
Podemos facilitar un poco su elección enumerando a continuación los mejores relojes inteligentes para la diabetes. Investigamos mucho para reducir nuestra lista y respondimos algunas preguntas comunes sobre relojes inteligentes para diabéticos.
Nuestra guía de compra también está llena de información sobre lo que las personas que viven con diabetes deben buscar en los relojes inteligentes.
Tabla de contenido
- Revisión de reloj inteligente
- guía de compra
- ¿Pueden los relojes inteligentes mostrar datos de salud de forma fiable?
- Dispositivos CGM actuales que se vinculan con relojes inteligentes
- Maneras en que los relojes inteligentes pueden ayudar a las personas que viven con diabetes
- Qué buscar al comprar un reloj inteligente
- Preguntas frecuentes
- ¿Qué beneficios pueden obtener las personas que viven con diabetes de los relojes inteligentes?
- ¿Pueden los relojes inteligentes controlar el azúcar en sangre?
- ¿Existe alguna desventaja en el uso de relojes inteligentes para controlar la diabetes?
Revisión de reloj inteligente
Fitbit es conocido por sus relojes deportivos de alto rendimiento, ¡y Fitbit Sense no es una excepción!
Fitbit Sense puede vincularse con MCG de terceros para mostrar datos de glucosa en sangre. Puede elegir entre una variedad de esferas de reloj que muestran los niveles de azúcar en sangre y las tendencias a lo largo del tiempo.
Fitbit Sense te permite imprimir un PDF con tus estadísticas de bienestar para mostrárselas a tu médico. El software es simple y rápido, mientras que el reloj en sí puede durar 6 días sin cargarse.
Puedes utilizar Fitbit Sense para establecer y realizar un seguimiento de planes de dieta, así como de las calorías quemadas. También tiene algunos perfiles deportivos que te permiten realizar un seguimiento de tu entrenamiento, junto con un GPS que puede brindarte más información sobre tus actividades al aire libre.
- Se conecta con MCG de terceros: muestra niveles y tendencias de glucosa en sangre
- Aplicación de ECG bastante precisa: mide con precisión la frecuencia y el ritmo cardíacos
- Diseño simple y elegante: adecuado para una variedad de estilos y profesiones
- No se vincula con muchas aplicaciones de terceros
Comprar en Amazon La mayoría de las funciones
Apple tiene muchas aplicaciones que pueden ayudar a las personas que viven con diabetes a controlar su afección, como Sugar Sense, Grab Manager y Diabetes Tracker.
Más importante aún, puede vincular el reloj con un CGM Dexcom para ver sus datos de azúcar en sangre, siempre que su reloj esté conectado a su iPhone.
El Apple Series 7 también gestiona importantes problemas de salud como el oxígeno en sangre, la frecuencia cardíaca y el consumo de oxígeno durante el ejercicio. Su ECG es muy preciso y te avisará de cualquier irregularidad en el ritmo cardíaco.
El estrés elevado y la falta de sueño pueden afectar negativamente a las personas con diabetes, pero la Serie 7 viene con ejercicios para reducir el estrés y funciones de seguimiento del sueño.
La Serie 7 también tiene 18 horas de duración de la batería, pero se carga completamente en solo 2,5 horas. 32 GB de almacenamiento te permitirán almacenar muchas aplicaciones, canciones e incluso vídeos, que ahora podrás ver en tu reloj inteligente.
- Se conecta a Dexcom CGM: le permite ver los datos de azúcar en sangre en su muñeca
- 32 GB de almacenamiento: mucha memoria para almacenar canciones, aplicaciones y vídeos
- Pantalla grande y duradera: la pantalla es fácil de leer y resiste bien los daños
- Solo puedes conectarte a Dexcom si tienes un iPhone
- La duración de la batería no es tan larga
Comprar en Amazon Más avanzado
Samsung Galaxy Watch 5$114.47
El Samsung Galaxy 5 está hecho para durar con una esfera de cristal de zafiro.
Este reloj inteligente le permite ver sus lecturas y tendencias de azúcar en sangre de Dexcom a lo largo del tiempo.
El Galaxy 5 también tiene muchas esferas de reloj para elegir e incluye funciones como entrenamiento del sueño y el sensor de análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica (BIA) que lee la grasa corporal, el músculo esquelético, el agua corporal y la tasa metabólica basal.
El reloj detectará automáticamente muchas actividades populares como correr y nadar y utilizará su función GPS para realizar un seguimiento de los deportes al aire libre. El Galaxy 5 también ofrece funciones de GPS mejorado con navegación por voz directamente en tu muñeca.
- Análisis mejorado de la composición corporal, incluida la masa corporal y la tasa metabólica.
- Se puede combinar con Dexcom: muestra datos y tendencias de glucosa en sangre
- Entrenamiento avanzado del sueño
- Algunas funciones son exclusivas del ecosistema Samsung
Comprar en Amazon13/12/2023 11:09 a. m. GMT
Reloj inteligente GPS TicWatch Pro 3
El SmartWatch Pro 3 de TicWatch es ideal para quienes siguen un estilo de vida saludable. Tiene varios modos deportivos y una función de monitorización de la frecuencia cardíaca las 24 horas que son excelentes para quienes desean mejorar su condición física.
Este modelo tiene 8 GB de memoria interna que pueden almacenar muchas aplicaciones y canciones. También puede elegir entre dos modos para que la batería dure más; el modo principal ofrece 45 días de duración de la batería.
Este modelo funciona bien con los MCG de Dexcom a través de la aplicación XDrip.
Puede observar su consumo de energía, frecuencia cardíaca, oxígeno en sangre y satisfacción del sueño. El reloj también puede vincularse con aplicaciones como MyFitnessPal y MapMyRun para realizar un seguimiento de la ingesta de alimentos y los niveles de ejercicio.
guía de compra
¿Pueden los relojes inteligentes mostrar datos de salud de forma fiable?
Los relojes inteligentes pueden mostrar sus niveles de glucosa en sangre, pero no los medirán por sí mismos. Deben estar vinculados a un sistema MCG externo para adquirir información sobre la glucosa en sangre y son tan precisos y fiables como el MCG que usted utiliza.
You will also still need to carry your phone with you as the watches have to connect to your phone in order to display your blood sugar readings.
Other than blood glucose data, smartwatches can help people with diabetes manage a healthy lifestyle. They can look at the wearer’s calorie intake, diet plan, and heart rate.
Some higher-end options can even measure blood oxygen, while others look at sleep patterns and stress levels.
These benefits sound amazing, but remember, none of these devices will be 100% accurate. Nevertheless, opting for a brand like Samsung, Fitbit, Garmin or Apple is a good idea. These will be more expensive, but their devices will be more accurate than cheaper options.
In most cases, obtaining a more reliable smartwatch will mean you’ll have to part with more money. Blog de Nutricion, Entrenamiento y Fitness
Additionally, a smartwatch’s accuracy will vary with the watch’s location and the user’s wrist steadiness. When the user measures their heart rate or blood pressure, they should aim to keep the arms and wrist as stable as they can.
Any movement can affect the measuring process and may deliver inaccurate results.
Smartwatches are improving all the time. For instance, Apple has consistently been making huge strides with technology.
Their modern watches now use updated PPG (Photoplethysmography), a process that uses light to detect heart rate and blood volume changes.
Current CGM devices that link with smartwatches
Monitoring blood sugar traditionally involves placing a sensor under the skin or puncturing the skin to measure levels in the blood. Smartwatch companies have been researching how to measure blood glucose non-invasively for a while, but they can’t currently do this.
Smartwatches may not be able to monitor blood glucose themselves, but they can connect to a CGM device to display the data.
Here are some of the CGM devices that can currently link to smartwatches. You should consider these options before purchasing your smartwatch.
Dexcom G6 G7
Dexcom’s G6 and G7 models are the brand’s most up-to-date glucose monitors. They use a sensor to continually measure glucose over a ten-day term. The sensor has a small needle that reaches interstitial fluid under the skin, held in place with an adhesive patch on the skin’s surface.
Both models can connect to smartwatches to display data on these devices. They can also send this information to Android and iPhone smartphones through Bluetooth.
They will monitor glucose levels and send alerts when they are too low. They are FDA-approved and suitable for anyone over the age of 2, so both adults and children can wear them.
Freestyle Libre 2 3
The Freestyle Libre also measures interstitial fluid to deliver data like the Dexcom. A circular pod is placed on the skin’s surface, using Near Field Communication to connect to your phone. You simply tap your smartphone on the pod to see the glucose readings.
The data is then stored in the smartphone app, but you can download compatible apps that let you see the same data on your smartwatch.
These sensors will tell you your current blood glucose reading, information over the last eight hours, and blood sugar trends over a certain period. The sensor will last for 14 days before it needs replacing.
Supersapiens was created by Abbott, who also created Libre 2. Supersapiens differs as it was specifically designed for endurance athletes. The device would tell them how to fuel their body effectively for training purposes.
Supersapiens uses a glucose biosensor that sends data to the app using NFC, just like the Libre 2.
Supersapiens created the Energy Band, a smartwatch-like device that displays blood glucose data on your wrist. The wearer won’t need to reach for their phone as the biosensor links straight to the Energy Band, displaying glucose data in real time.
However, the Energy Band doesn’t offer other smartwatch features, like heart-rate data. It also only lasts 24 hours before needing to be charged, but it does recharge in 90 minutes, which is relatively quick.
Ways smartwatches can help people living with diabetes
Here are some of the advantages smartwatches can have for those living with diabetes.
Lets people with diabetes manage their condition
One of the best ways of controlling diabetes is through maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Smartwatches can be a great tool that lets patients look after their well-being.
Smartwatches linked to a blood glucose monitoring system are one of the simplest ways of doing so.
These devices can act as a consistent medical checkup. For instance, if a patient with diabetes’ blood sugar lowers or rises too much, they’ll get an alert on their smartwatch, indicating that they need to take action.
No (or less) pricking fingers
One of the drawbacks of living with diabetes is finger pricking to measure blood glucose levels. Finger pricking can be painful and may be disturbing for those that don’t like seeing blood.
Smartwatches can be linked with non-invasive glucose detection technology. This lets people living with diabetes monitor their blood glucose without needing to prick their fingers.
Smartwatches allow you to check your blood glucose levels many times throughout the day, whether you’re at home, traveling, or exercising.
Reads blood sugar levels quickly and discreetly
Traditional blood glucose detection methods can take time to carry out. Smartwatches linked with CGMs allow people living with diabetes to check their blood sugar quickly and efficiently by just glancing at their wrist.
This can be very convenient in meeting, social gatherings, and other places where you may prefer to check your blood sugar discreetly.
It is also very practical when exercising, driving, or doing anything else where you don’t want to stop to check your blood sugar on your phone or with a finger stick.
More socially acceptable than checking smart phone
Diabetes patients may be able to check their blood sugar through their smartphones, but there are many instances where checking your phone isn’t acceptable.
The patient may be driving their car, in a meeting, or if younger, maybe in school. Checking your phone isn’t very discreet, and may result in penalties when on the road or during class.
Smartwatches can deliver a notification without playing sounds on the user’s phone. Some offer a vibrate option that won’t be noticed by others in the same environment.
The wearer simply has to glance at their wrist to keep an eye on the numbers, without looking disrespectful of their surroundings.
Smartwatches also allow the patient to check their blood glucose without being distracted by other smartphone apps. This is ideal for those that want to improve their productivity, as they can use their smartwatch to check their blood sugar while working.
Easy and Convenient To Use
Smartwatches are designed to be worn regularly, so they give patients a way to continuously monitor their blood glucose.
All you have to do is press a button to access information about your blood sugar level. It doesn’t require any special skills to operate, just a glance at your watch.
Traditional finger-pricking methods need tools that can be cumbersome, but smartwatches track many health metrics in a portable device. They are light enough to be worn on the wrist without the user feeling restricted.
Smartwatches are available in many finishes, so they can suit a range of styles and outfit preferences. Some are bold and bright, which are better for wearing while exercising.
Others are sleek and discreet, which won’t look out of place in a professional setting. It isn’t always possible to run a finger prick test, but smartwatches are understated enough to check during a meeting, workout, or class.
What to look for when purchasing a smartwatch
Other than your choice of CGM, there are other things people living with diabetes should consider before buying a smartwatch.
Take a look at the rest of our handy buyer’s guide below to see what you should look out for!
Accuracy is more of an issue with your CGM, as this will be the device that measures your blood glucose. Despite this, accuracy also matters when considering other metrics, like heart rate or blood oxygen.
The wearer needs as accurate information as possible to get a better understanding of their health. This will let them know where they are making progress and where they need to improve.
All of this is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is key when living with diabetes.
Other than linking to a CGM, your smartwatch should have a range of health features that help you with your well-being. Features like measuring heart rate and calorie intake can help you keep fit.
Higher-end smartwatches may have features like measuring blood oxygen, though this might not be necessary depending on your needs.
Your budget will be a factor that determines what features your watch will have, but basic models should still have a decent selection of health features.
Smartwatches tend to be designed with comfort in mind, but you should make sure that your choice isn’t too heavy on your wrist.
You’ll also need to make sure that your smartwatch isn’t too large or small for your needs. This mainly depends on your build, but your lifestyle affects this too.
Athletes and those that exercise often may need a bolder design, while working professionals may prefer a sleeker look.
The watch face also matters. There’s no point in buying a smartwatch if you keep squinting to read it!
Battery Life
It’s important to buy a smartwatch with a long life span, especially with diabetes patients, as they’ll be wearing their smartwatch almost constantly to get CGM readings.
Your smartwatch should have a decent battery life so you won’t have to keep charging it too often.
Recharging time also matters, as your model shouldn’t need to take most of the day to fully recharge.
Water Resistance
Whether you’re washing your hands or taking a dip in a pool, a good smartwatch should be water-resistant. People with diabetes may even prefer to wear their smartwatch in the shower to get CGM alerts, so your model should hold up to water well.
Smartwatches won’t be completely waterproof, but try to look for models that can live in water 5 feet deep or shallower. These should be able to survive in the shower, washing hands, or even swimming.
Frequently asked questions
What benefits can people living with diabetes get from smartwatches?
People living with diabetes can manage their condition by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Smartwatches have many health features that can help diabetics gain a better understanding of their health.
Calorie intake, sleep quality, and heart rate are all some of the things smartwatches can track. They can also link to continuous glucose monitors (CGM) to display blood sugar levels.
Can smartwatches monitor blood sugar?
Smartwatches currently cannot measure blood sugar directly from the wrist. However, they can link to continuous blood glucose monitors to display blood sugar data. CGMs are usually worn on the skin’s surface.
They normally have sensors that penetrate the skin, measuring interstitial glucose levels. This is the glucose content of fluid between cells.
Once they have this data, they can connect to smartphones and smartwatches with an app that displays this data.
Are there any downsides to using smartwatches to manage diabetes?
Traditional finger-pricking methods to measure blood sugar can take a lot of time. It can also be uncomfortable as the process draws blood. However, this method lets you know what your glucose levels are for that precise moment.
Los relojes inteligentes se vinculan a MCG que muestran los niveles de glucosa debajo de la piel. Los niveles de glucosa tardan más en aparecer en el líquido intersticial que en la sangre. Esto significa que los MCG pueden mostrar un retraso en la lectura de glucosa en sangre.
Otras reseñas de productos para la diabetes
- Las mejores aplicaciones para la diabetes.
- Revisión del parche Dexcom CGM
- Los mejores masajeadores de pies para personas con diabetess
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Los mejores relojes inteligentes para diabéticos (revisión y guía de compra)
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