Si padece neuropatía diabética, es posible que esté familiarizado con una sensación de hormigueo o ardor en los pies.
Esta sensación es un síntoma común de neuropatía y la mayoría de las personas que viven con este dolor querrán alivio de una forma u otra.
Tabla de contenido
- Why use a neuropathy foot cream?
- The best neuropathy foot creams
- Diabetic neuropathy foot cream buyers guide
- Why do I get painful feet?
- Topical creams for neuropathic feet
- Substances within topical neuropathy creams
- Things you should know before applying herbal remedies
- Guidance when applying foot neuropathy creams
- Preventing diabetes-related foot issues
- Frequently asked questions
- What’s the difference between regular skin lotion and diabetic lotion?
- Why should people with diabetes not put lotion in between the toes?
- How do you apply neuropathy foot cream?
- Other products for diabetic neuropathy
¿Por qué utilizar una crema para pies con neuropatía?
Los médicos suelen recetar medicamentos orales para estos problemas, pero pueden tener efectos secundarios, como mareos, fatiga o somnolencia.
Tampoco estará seguro de cuándo el medicamento hará efecto, lo que puede ser un problema para quienes desean un alivio instantáneo del dolor.
Una forma de solucionar este problema es con cremas tópicas para la neuropatía. Se pueden aplicar en el área dolorida, como los pies, para brindar un alivio rápido y eficaz del dolor.
Estas cremas son generalmente asequibles, fáciles de conseguir y de aplicación indolora.
Sin embargo, como hay tantas cremas para aliviar el dolor disponibles, puede resultar confuso determinar cuál es mejor para los síntomas de la neuropatía.
Con receta, sin receta, a base de hierbas o medicinales, cada uno tiene sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Es importante saber más sobre estas cremas antes de realizar cualquier compra.
Para ponérselo un poco más fácil, en este artículo enumeramos las mejores cremas para la neuropatía relacionada con los pies.
También hemos incluido una guía de compra detallada con toda la información que necesita para realizar una compra.
Aprenderá más sobre los ingredientes analgésicos de estos tratamientos, así como orientación sobre cómo aplicar las cremas en los pies.
¡A continuación encontrará todo lo que necesita saber sobre las cremas para pies para neuropatía diabética!
Las mejores cremas para pies con neuropatía.
Nervex Crema para aliviar el dolor de los nervios de neuropatía de máxima resistencia$20.95 ($12.32 / Onza líquida)
El principal ingrediente activo de esta crema es la capsaicina, una sustancia extraída del chile. La capsaicina reduce un transmisor del dolor dentro de los nervios, evitando que sientan dolor.
La fórmula también contiene ingredientes antiinflamatorios conocidos, como vitamina B6 y aloe vera. Estos estimulan el flujo sanguíneo y reducen la hinchazón, lo que ayuda a relajar las áreas doloridas y aliviar el dolor.
Junto con el aloe vera, la vitamina E y la vitamina B12 mantienen la piel nutrida de adentro hacia afuera, manteniendo a raya las zonas ásperas y secas.
El frasco contiene treinta aplicaciones, suficiente para un mes. Además de los pies, la crema se puede aplicar en cualquier zona dolorosa afectada por la neuropatía, incluida la espalda, las rodillas y las manos, lo que la convierte en un producto versátil.
- Muchos ingredientes antiinflamatorios: funciona bien para aliviar el dolor y el malestar.
- Muchos ingredientes humectantes: alivia la piel seca y mantiene los pies suaves.
- Aplicador de bomba: administra crema de manera rápida y eficiente
- Es posible que algunas personas no consideren que la capsaicina sea un analgésico eficaz
- La base de aceite de coco se absorbe lentamente y puede dejar residuos en los pies.
Comprar en Amazon13/12/2023 13:49 GMT
Nervio y neuropatía de Pharmapulse Crema para aliviar el dolor$24,99 ($12,50 / onza líquida)
Esta crema está llena de ingredientes antisépticos y antiinflamatorios que mantienen alejado el dolor.
El árnica y la vitamina b6 actúan para calmar y aliviar el dolor y la hinchazón, mientras que el aloe vera dilata los vasos sanguíneos para estimular un mejor flujo sanguíneo.
El aceite de árbol de té es conocido por sus propiedades antisépticas, que pueden ayudar a mantener a raya las infecciones por hongos en los pies, una característica importante para los diabéticos.
La crema también contiene vitamina E. Junto con el aloe vera, la fórmula mantiene los pies hidratados y libres de sequedad.
La fórmula también contiene una pequeña cantidad de mentol para una ligera sensación refrescante. Es agradable, pero también actúa como un ligero analgésico.
Además de los pies, la crema se puede utilizar en cualquier zona dolorosa afectada por la neuropatía, incluidas las manos y la parte inferior de las piernas.
- Contiene una pequeña cantidad de mentol: una ligera sensación refrescante sin un olor potente.
- Contiene aceite de árbol de té: un ingrediente antiséptico natural conocido por combatir las infecciones por hongos.
- Contiene árnica: ingrediente conocido por aliviar la hinchazón dolorosa.
- Con solo 2 oz, no hay mucha crema en el frasco.
Comprar en Amazon13/12/2023 08:55 a. m. GMT
Crema para aliviar el dolor de los nervios de la neuropatía Conquer$26.95 ($7.93 / Onza)
La crema analgésica de Conquer Pain es ideal para quienes prefieren evitar los productos artificiales.
La fórmula contiene seis sustancias naturales conocidas por sus propiedades analgésicas, entre ellas la corteza de sauce, el eucalipto y la consuelda.
El extracto de árnica actúa como un poderoso ingrediente antiinflamatorio, mientras que el mentol proporciona una sensación refrescante que alivia los dolores y molestias en los pies.
La aplicación de la crema ayuda a aumentar el flujo sanguíneo para brindar una sensación calmante, que también promueve una curación más rápida.
La fórmula también contiene ingredientes humectantes como aceite de oliva y glicerina. Estos pueden ayudar a prevenir la sequedad y las zonas ásperas en los pies.
- Muchos ingredientes naturales: bueno para aquellos que quieren evitar sustancias sintéticas.
- Contiene mentol: proporciona una agradable sensación refrescante y un alivio eficaz del dolor.
- Aplicador de bomba: administra crema de manera rápida y eficiente
- Algunas personas pueden ser alérgicas a varias hierbas de la fórmula.
- Es posible que no se absorba rápidamente debido al aceite de oliva y la glicerina.
Comprar en Amazon13/12/2023 01:44 a. m. GMT
Crema para aliviar el dolor en el pie con lidocaína de máxima resistencia sin olor Aspercreme$9.98 ($2.50 / Onza)
Esta crema analgésica de Aspercreme contiene 4% de lidocaína, la mayor cantidad disponible para comprar sin receta.
La lidocaína actúa impidiendo que las señales de dolor lleguen al cerebro y adormeciendo los pies mientras se aplica la crema.
Applied topically, the skin soaks up the cream quickly, allowing the lidocaine to target painful areas quickly. The solution will absorb quickly and won't leave any moisture behind on the skin.
The formula also contains barbadensis leaf juice, another term for Aloe Vera.
This not only moisturizes the skin but also has anti-inflammatory effects that can help soothe tired or painful feet.
This cream is fantastic at rapidly relieving minor foot pain, but it also contains seven skin moisturizers that keep the skin soft and free from cracks.
- Lidocaine cream - Effective ingredient that blocks pain signals
- Contains 4% Lidocaine - Largest amount available without prescription
- Fragrance-free - A better choice for sensitive skins
- The product is fragrance-free, but its natural odor may be off-putting for some.
Buy on Amazon12/13/2023 02:09 am GMT
Diabetic neuropathy foot cream buyers guide
Why do I get painful feet?
Our cells need glucose for energy, but too much glucose, especially for people living with diabetes, isn’t good for the body.
High glucose levels can harm the protective coating that surrounds our nerves. When this coating is damaged, this can result in pain that feels like ‘pins and needles’ around the body.
The pain can also feel sharp, like burning or stabbing.
This can occur in the hands, but it usually occurs in the lower half of the body, within the lower legs and feet.
This condition is known as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, also known as DPN.
Doctors usually prescribe oral medication to treat DPN, but topical treatments may help relieve some of the pain too. We’ll cover these treatments in more detail below.
Topical creams for neuropathic feet
Topical creams for neuropathy pain contain pain-relieving substances that are absorbed through the skin. They are applied to the skin, wherever the patient feels pain.
Before trying these creams, take note that most of these treatments still require more sound research to support their effectiveness.
Neuropathic creams generally come in two kinds: analgesic and anesthetic. These both work differently to target pain.
One works by preventing the nerves from sending pain signals, while the other numb the skin to stop the wearer from feeling pain.
What are analgesic creams?
The term ‘analgesic’ means pain relief. You don’t need to get a prescription from a medical professional to use analgesic creams.
A lot of analgesic creams contain capsaicin, a substance that is sourced from hot chili pepper seeds. - Programas de TV, Series, Guía de episodios.
Capsaicin makes it difficult for the body’s nerve cells to deliver pain signals to the brain.
Rubbing capsaicin cream on painful body parts may relieve some of the pain.
What are anesthetic creams?
Anesthetics are medicines that prevent the user from feeling pain. Anesthetic creams help relieve pain by numbing the desired area of skin.
Most anesthetic creams contain lidocaine. As the cream sinks into the skin, lidocaine prevents the nerves in that area from delivering pain signals to the brain.
You can also find numbing patches that contain lidocaine. These have an adhesive backing so you can apply them directly onto a painful area.
While some anesthetic creams can be bought without a prescription, if the pain is particularly severe, your doctor may prescribe you prescription-level anesthetic creams, such as EMLA.
These work a lot faster than non-prescription varieties, generally within the same hour that they are applied.
Substances within topical neuropathy creams
Topical neuropathy creams can contain various substances that are known to relieve pain.
These contain various pain-relieving ingredients, such as capsaicin, lidocaine, menthol, and natural herbs.
Capsaicin is found within hot chili peppers. It works by reducing a pain transmitter within the nerves known as Substance P.
Several studies have assessed whether capsaicin can help those with neuropathy.
A study in 2012 found that topical creams containing 0.075% capsaicin helped those who felt nerve pain following surgery.
The same cream also aided some people who had diabetic neuropathy. In this 2017 review, researchers looked at studies that examined capsaicin products.
Participants in the studies had various conditions where the pain was a side effect. These included HIV neuropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia, and peripheral diabetic neuropathy.
Some participants told the researchers that capsaicin creams improved the pain a lot, but some found that the cream didn’t help that much.
The findings are mixed, so while capsaicin creams may help relieve pain in some people, they may not do the same as others.
Nevertheless, we can assume that some people may benefit from trying capsaicin creams, especially if other neuropathy treatments aren’t as successful.
You can buy capsaicin creams at the drugstore, or over the counter at your local pharmacy.
Most of these will have a smaller amount of capsaicin within. Those who need stronger creams will have to contact their doctor for a prescription.
Things you should know before applying capsaicin cream
Before you begin applying capsaicin cream, consider the following advice.
Avoid using the cream near the eyes and mucous membranes. Capsaicin cream can be very irritating when it touches these areas.
Never apply the cream to cuts, broken skin, or open wounds. Store the cream out of sight and away from children and pets.
Lidocaine relieves pain by preventing pain signals from reaching the brain.
Lidocaine ointments and creams are applied topically, temporarily numbing the areas you apply them on.
Lidocaine products can also be applied to other injuries, such as insect bites, general scrapes, and light burns.
A 2017 paper found that topical lidocaine medication relieved peripheral neuropathic pain in those unable to take oral medicine.
It also helped those that underwent negative reactions to other medication.
You can purchase over-the-counter lidocaine medication at your local pharmacy. Some examples include Anestacon, Lidoderm, Senatec, and LidoRx.
Some injuries may be too painful for over-the-counter creams. In this case, you may need stronger pain relief from a prescription cream that contains more lidocaine.
A doctor will be able to prescribe you these creams if deemed necessary. A popular prescription lidocaine cream is EMLA.
EMLA can numb the skin very quickly, usually within the same hour that it is applied.
Things you should know before applying lidocaine creams
Like any medication, lidocaine topical treatments may cause side effects. These include:
- Allergic reactions, eg. skin rash
- Headaches
- Difficulty breathing
- Drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Chills and/or fever
- Vomiting
- Nausea
Take care during the time after you apply lidocaine cream. Lidocaine creams will numb the area of the body you apply them on.
This increases the likelihood of you injuring the body part without realizing it.
Menthol is a substance found within mint plants, but it can also be made synthetically in a laboratory.
Menthol is often used in mint gum and mouthwash to deliver a refreshing, cool sensation. Menthol is also used in skin creams to relieve light pain.
Several significant cancer centers recommend menthol treatments to those experiencing cancer-related neuropathy.
Menthol creams have a few advantages. They are affordable, readily available, work rapidly, and deliver effective pain relief. They are usually available to purchase over the counter at your local pharmacy.
Some examples include Bengay and Absorbine Jr. You won’t need a prescription for these.
Those who need stronger pain relief can obtain a prescription from their doctor for a more potent menthol cream.
These treatments may also contain other pain-relieving medications. For example, DicloStream is a topical treatment that contains diclofenac.
This is an NSAID, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication. DicloStream also contains menthol.
People usually use DicloStream for knee osteoarthritis pain, but studies have shown that the medication works well on neuropathic pain.
Things you should know before applying menthol creams
Take care when applying menthol creams, as products that contain a lot of menthols may cause burns.
In some cases, these can be as serious as second or third-degree burns. If your treatment contains more than 3% menthol, apply cautiously.
This is the same advice whether the menthol is the only ingredient or if it’s blended with another substance.
Remember, always notify your doctor before considering any kind of topical pain relief treatment, including menthol creams.
Herbs and natural ingredients
Topical creams can also contain natural ingredients that may relieve neuropathy pain. Several herbs are said to deliver anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
These ingredients work by making the brain think that the skin has become cooler, relieving inflammation, fever, and swelling.
They can also dilate blood vessels to increase blood flow to the affected area, resulting in faster healing.
Various natural plants and herbs may treat neuropathic pain by delivering other effects.
Other than anti-inflammatory effects, they may contain antioxidants that prevent cell damage, prevent cells from dying, and defend the nervous system and brain structures from harm.
More research is needed, but several studies have found that herbs and natural ingredients may relieve pain.
These include ginger, turmeric, willow bark, Boswellia, and devil’s claw.
Many herbal products are available to buy over the counter at your nearest pharmacy, though they are also found at health and grocery stores.
Some popular examples include Biofreeze, Capsin, Tiger balm, and Trixaicin.
Herbal products do come with a disadvantage, as you won’t know whether they will work for you until you try them.
Studies have looked into their effectiveness, but not at the same level as actual medicine.
Everyone is different, so your body may react differently to someone else’s on the same medication.
Things you should know before applying herbal remedies
Herbal pain remedies are readily available at pharmacies and health stores without a prescription. Even so, you should always talk to your doctor before using these products.
Herbal products may be natural, but they may still affect other medications you are already taking.
Some products may be unsafe to use if you live with other medical conditions.
Herbal remedies may also come with side effects, including allergic rashes, thinning of the blood, and effects on the heart and liver.
Guidance when applying foot neuropathy creams
Before you start applying neuropathy creams to your feet, consider the following tips.
- Never apply lotion in between the toes, as this can lead to infections later.
- Be cautious when standing after applying creams to the feet. Creams can make the feet slippery, increasing the risk of falling.
- Massaging the feet can relax the muscles and improve circulation. This can work well alongside the creams to deliver pain relief.
- As noted above, creams that contain numbing ingredients, like lidocaine, reduce sensation in the feet. You may not notice any injuries on the affected area, so take care in the period after applying the cream.
- Never wrap your feet in plastic or bandages with the cream. This can reduce circulation, which is very dangerous for people living with diabetes.
- Never place your feet in cold or very hot water. Cold water constricts the blood vessels to reduce circulation. Very hot water may burn or injure the skin on your feet, increasing the risk of infection later.
Preventing diabetes-related foot issues
Neuropathy creams can help relieve pain in your feet, but remember, prevention can help a lot more than a cure.
Diabetes-related foot issues with pain and the skin are usually linked to high blood sugar and many skin issues will disappear when Hemoglobin A1C returns to normal levels.
The DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial) also found that returning glucose levels to near normal levels reduces the chance of neuropathy by 60-69%.
Keeping a healthy lifestyle and managing your blood sugar levels can go a long way in preventing foot problems.
Here are some things you can do to keep your feet healthy.
- Keep checking your feet daily for blisters, wounds, and sores.
- Wearing comfortable shoes with good arch support can help to prevent pain.
- Wearing socks made from cotton rather than synthetic materials will help keep the feet dry and moisture-free.
- Regularly trimming your nails helps prevent ingrown nails. Creams and lotions will keep the feet moisturized, but remember to avoid applying between the toes.
- Avoid scratching at all costs.
- Always talk to your doctor about your diabetes-related skin and/or foot issues to prevent complications later.
Frequently asked questions
What’s the difference between regular skin lotion and diabetic lotion?
‘Diabetic’ creams and lotions don’t exist. There are no skincare products that are designed to cure diabetes-related skin issues.
Creams that have a ‘diabetic’ label are usually higher priced. However, there are creams that are designed to relieve neuropathy pain.
If you live with peripheral neuropathy, particularly in the feet, you can find creams that contain pain-relieving ingredients.
Why should people with diabetes not put lotion in between the toes?
People with diabetes need to take care of their feet, but they should never apply lotion between their toes. Lotion adds moisture to the skin.
Moisture can build up in the small spaces between the toes, leading to fungus and bacterial infections.
It’s ok to apply a cream to your foot skin, but make sure that the area between the toes remains dry.
How do you apply neuropathy foot cream?
All neuropathy creams will come with their application instructions. In most cases, foot creams are usually applied on dry, clean feet.
People with diabetes are recommended to carefully wash and dry their feet every day. You can apply your cream of choice after doing so.
After drying your feet, apply your neuropathy lotion, cream, or balm to the foot skin. Gently massage the feet, focusing on the painful or dry areas.
Massage can help relieve pain alongside the cream. Remember, never apply lotion in between the toes. This area needs to be dry to avoid infections.
Other products for diabetic neuropathy
You can also consider using compression socks to treat diabetic neuropathy or help reduce pain and swelling.
Tenemos unaguía completa de los mejores calcetines para la neuropatía diabéticaque incluye reseñas de las mejores opciones.
Los masajeadores de pies también pueden ayudar a aliviar el dolor al mejorar el flujo sanguíneo y la circulación. Puedes leer nuestra guía sobre los mejores masajeadores de pies para personas con diabetes para obtener más información.
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Best Diabetic Neuropathy Foot Creams (Review & Guide)
¿Por qué utilizar una crema para pies con neuropatía?Las mejores cremas para pies con neuropatía.Diabetic neuropathy foot cream buyers guideFrequently aske
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